Work Your Light
© Rebecca Campbell

Your guidance is divinely guided.

Align Your Life
What is not aligned or needs to change.

Anna, Grandmother of Jesus
Seeding the Light, laying foundations, Divine plan

Answer the Call
What is your soul calling you to do?

Energetic upgrades. A new way of being. Integration.

Birthing A New Age
Birthing new creations. Dreaming a new world into being.

Where do you need to establish better boundaries?

Break the Chain
Ancestral patterns. Healing. Rewriting the future.

Council of Light
Divine orchestration. Helpers in the subtle realms.

Dance with Life
Do something to change your energy.

Deep Replenishment
Retreat. Rest. Be held.

Don't Dim to Fit In
How are you dimming your light in order to fit in?

Get Grounded
Empaths. Highly sensitives. Connect with Nature.

Where are you being called to journey to?

Inner Temple
Devotion. Turn into the portal of your heart

Keepers of the Earth
You are not alone. Ancient ancestors stand beside you.

You go first. The Universe will catch you.

Creating Heaven on Earth. It's happening.

Longing for Home. Belonging. The original Lightworkers.

Who or what is triggering you?

Wait. Postpone. Pause. Say no.

Pillars of Light
Your vibration is rising. You are the Oracle.

Have fun. Celebrate. Don't be so serious.

Double mission. Channeling and uplifting humanity.

How are you being called to step up and lead?

Call your power back. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval.

Share Your Voice
Come out of the cave. Permission. Expression.

Sisterhood of the Rose
Beauty and devastation. Priestess. Mystic. Teacher.

Soul Family
Call in your Tribe. You don't have to do it alone.

What lights you up?

Take A Break
A life's work. Get off the treadmill.

The Age of Light
You've been training for this for lifetimes.

The Crumbling
What are you clinging on to?

The Ever Unfolding Rose
Cracked open. It's happening for you and not to you.

The Great Gathering
It's all coming together. Intuitive hits. Soul tribe.

The Initiation
Rite of passage. Crossing the threshold.

Things are changing at a cellular level. Deep healing.

Trust Your Path
If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?

Trust the Niggle
What is the niggling feeling trying to tell you?

Releasing soul patterns, contracts, and past lives.

Warrior Woman
Have you answered your deepest calling?

Just say Yes.

You're Already Doing It
Stop overthinking. Keep facing your true north.